We went for dinner at Thomson area 2 weeks ago with Alvin and Nortilla after our work. It was one 'memorable' night as we met some uncivilised hooligans 'supposedly' from NTU as some of them was wearing the NTU T-shirt. Unfortunately, we did not capture the whole incident on video, as it happened too fast and we did not have the time to react. Otherwise, it would have been on STOMP by now, for all to see how our local Undergrads behave in public. Basically, what happened was the 4 of us (Alan, Xuan, Norti and Alvin) were seated beside this group of 3 guyz and a ger at this small ice-cream parlour called Eski-mo at the area. Thereafter, Thomas (Norti's BF) joined us at the table and Alvin had to shift slightly to create more space for Thomas to be seated. It was all peaceful for awhile, until one of those NTU students came over to confront us on how we had intruded into their line of privacy, by shifting into 'their area'. (Note: They had already finished their ice-cream by the time they speak up, which makes us realise they just wanted to find trouble with us.) He spoke in a tone like a barbarian and even challenged us to argue outside. Needless to say, we were sensible enough not to leave our ice-cream, which had just arrived and head out to argue with some senseless creep. He was the only one among those 4, creating all the commotion, but the other 3 of them made no effort to stop him, as their expression showed they were quite unhappy with us, though they were not as barbaric as their friend. After arguing for some time, they left after failing to provoke us. It's quite sad to see Undergrads behaving in such ways and made people wonder if the Local Universities should include Civics and Morale Education back into their syllabus, to teach their students how they should behave in public (especially when they are wearing shirts with their school logo on it). By behaving in the way they are, it reflects badly on the school's image, considering the fact that they are one of the top Universities in the world.

We worked for a full day on one of the weekends a week ago and we head off to Suntec for dinner during our breaks. We had dinner at Astons @ Suntec, before heading off to the arcade there. It was our 1st visit together with the peeps to the arcade and it was apretty good harvest. Uncle Meng Zhong caught 2 soft toys for Xuan and Nortilla without much effort from the UFO machine. They were so excited that everyone in the arcade was literally looking at us when the soft toys were caught.

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